As you all know, technology is an irreplaceable thing in our life just like in education and based on the development and significance of technology,it can be said that learning and teaching have changed as well.
As teachers and teacher candidates we need to quit our old teaching habits to keep up with this technology era.
When we consider that today's generation lives together with technology in many parts of its life, we can clearly understand that the education shoud be one of these parts. Because if we integrate technology into education, we can make them enjoy what they do and minimize their getting bored and anxiety from learning English.
Today, like technology English is getting more and more common in the world and due to this, many sources, tools etc. which are available on the internet are in English.To use technology more effectively we should also learn English. When we integrate technology into our classes while teaching English, they would mutually influence each other in a positive fashion.
Teachers should make their students acquire such habits as being able to research, purpose and communicate as effective as possible by using technology. The importance of technology in classrooms shows itself one more time at this point.
That's all for now guys. See u :)))